Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Title

The first thing any blogger does when starting their own blog is try to come up with the wittiest title they can think of. And when I decided to dive into this genre of the blogosphere, I intended to do the same. Several ideas came across my mind.

I haven’t earned enough income to fend off any possible lawsuits so biting attention getting titles like “Keith Jackson’s Liquor Cabinet”, “The Auburn Sociology Scholar”, or “Kirk Herbstreit Gave me Herpes” were too risky to put on the top of this site.

The worst thing you can call any blog is unoriginal so I figured any reader would see through anything named “Every Night Could be Thursday” or “Bright Orange Nation”. While imitation is the sincerest form of flattery this blog isn’t to any level that it would flatter anyone.

So call it safe, hopefully you won’t call it boring, I decided on The Pride and The Pageantry. The Pride is what holds us to our teams. Either through student, alumni or local association we are stuck with our college football teams for life through good times or bad we have no choice but to have Pride in them. Pageantry is a cliché word that describes college football and no other sport. The traditions and rituals that make college football such a constant in my life and yours provide the hook that plays as much of a role in our love for college football as the players on the field whom are ever changing.

So there you have it. The Pride and The Pageantry (or TP&TP for short) and hopefully a blog that will do justice to both.

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